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Cook the western way recipe roundup


Smoky Maple Bacon Green Beans

By Merry Graham

blanched green beans in a pan with butter, maple syrup and bag of Western Maple Smoking chips
Bacon cooking in pan on grill with bag of Western Maple chips in background
Green Beans cooking in pan on grill with smoker box and bag of Maple Smoking chips
Maple smoked bacon green beans plated with chicken and corn

Maple smoked green beans with a citrusy maple mustard glaze and dotted with bacon and onion is perfect for a holiday green bean side dish and yummy enough for a back porch grilling party. Because of its popularity don’t be timid when serving it as an appetizer, the smoky grilled green beans love to show off they are that good!

This recipe was originally published on


PREP TIME: 15 minutes

COOK TIME: 45 minutes

Equipment: Western Maple BBQ Smoking Chips, gas grill, smoker box (or foil) for smoking chips, grill-safe rimmed pan


2 pounds French Green Beans, Haricot Vert

12 oz sliced bacon


Maple Mustard Glaze:

1/4 cup pure maple syrup

3 tablespoons fresh lime juice

1/2 to 1 teaspoon Sriracha style sauce

2 tablespoons soft salted butter

1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon Jack Daniel's® Steak Seasoning



Step 1. Cut the tips off of the green beans, if needed. 


Step 2. Fill a large pasta pot with about 4 quarts of water. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar to the water, and bring to a boil. 


Step 3. Carefully lower green beans into the boiling water, and cook for 3 minutes. In a colander, drain the blanched green beans then transfer to a boil of ice water to stop the cooking process. 


Step 4. In a colander, drain the ice water from green beans. Set the par-cooked green beans aside until the bacon has been cooked and crumbled. 


Step 5: Use 2 cups of Western Maple BBQ Smoking Chips to fill a smoker box or make a perforated foil packet. Place the smoking chip vessel over the hottest burner that is the farthest from the grill’s vent. 


Step 6: Cut 12-ounces of bacon slices crosswise in half. Arrange bacon slices on a rimmed cast iron griddle or pan, and place in the center of the grill. Turn the gas grill on to direct 375°F heat. Close the grill’s lid, and set a timer for 15 minutes, then take a peek.


Step 7: Grill the bacon until crispy, 20-25 minutes, stirring and removing smaller slices as needed. Remove the crisp bacon from the grill and pat with a paper towel. Crumble bacon in large 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch pieces, and set aside.


Step 8: Add the prepared green beans to the bacon fat in the rimmed pan, and stir to coat. Close the lid and smoke the green beans for 10 minutes. Add the maple mustard glaze, and crumbled bacon and stir to coat the green beans. Close the grill’s lid and smoke and roast green beans for 10 minutes or until desired doneness. 



Store any leftover smoky maple green beans in an airtight container and place in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.


The Green Beans and the Maple Mustard Glaze can be blanched 2 days in advance. And if you really need a time saver on serving day, simply prepare bacon crumbles ahead of time and save the bacon fat. On serving day, heat the bacon fat in the rimmed pan on the grill, add the green beans, glaze, and bacon and smoke for 20 minutes at no higher than 375°F degrees.

Smoked Chicken Drumsticks on a bed of grilled butternut squash
By Grilling Grandma June 28, 2023
Grilling Grandma's chicken drumsticks are moist with a smoky flavor, in 3 easy steps! Submerge drumsticks in a lemon brine for 1-2 hours, then cook low and slow over indirect heat with Western Pecan BBQ Smoking Chips. Lastly, give the chicken drumsticks a kiss of char over a hot direct heat to help develop crispy skin. No more burnt chicken skin, just finger-licking deliciousness.
Smoked Shrimp Scampi Bruschetta plated
June 26, 2023
In this recipe from Grilling Grandma, poach lemon garlic shrimp in mesquite-smoked butter sauce, then ladle it over grilled baguettes to create an exquisite smoked shrimp scampi bruschetta.
By Grilling Grandma June 26, 2023
Get the recipe from Grilling Grandma for hand carved ribeye steaks cooked on a gas grill and smoked with Western Hickory BBQ Smoking Chips. This recipe includes great tips on how to hand cut and source affordable ribeye roast.
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